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Staff Writer

Elementos Limited (ASX: ELT) has confirmed intersections of near-surface tin mineralisation at its Oropesa Tin Project in Spain, which are significantly broader than previously modelled by its 2021 Mineral Resource Estimate.

The first hole to be completed in Elementos’ nine-hole infill drill programme, drill hole ADD_24, returned broad intersections at the margins of the current geological resource, highlighted by the results below:

  • ADD_24:
    • 37.9m @ 0.34% Sn from 59.3m
    • 9.6m @0.2% Sn from 109.3m
    • (0.1% Sn cut-off grade)

“This is an encouraging result to kick-off our 2022 infill drilling program at Oropesa. The main aim of this programme is to upgrade the Inferred Mineral Resources, that reside within the US$30,000/t pit shell, to a higher confidence Resource category,” Managing Director, Joe David, said.

“Drill hole ADD_24 targeted the intersection of two significant previously interpreted controlling structures and confirms the continuity of the tin mineralisation at this location, but notably has intersected a much broader zone of mineralisation than currently modelled.”

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