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Encounter Resources (ASX: ENR) has identified new areas of niobium-REE mineralised carbonatites at the Aileron project (100% ENR), in the West Arunta region of WA.

The targeting models used in the West Arunta are evolving rapidly and are delivering an extraordinary success rate in drilling niobium-REE mineralised carbonatites,” Managing Director Will Robinson said.

“The new carbonatites at Green and Emily were intersected in the first phase of drilling in the southern part of the Aileron project.

“The Green carbonatite intersections are a potential extension of an established north-east orientated mineralised trend that is open to the east towards a large circular magnetic feature.

“Emily is a new mineralised carbonatite that was targeted based on recent learnings from RC drilling in other parts of Aileron and a credit to our highly credentialed exploration team.”


The 100% owned Aileron project covers 1,765 sq. km and is located in the West Arunta region of WA, ~600km west of Alice Springs. Encounter completed large gravity, magnetic and radiometric surveys at Aileron to define initial drill targets.

RC Drill Programme Update

Sixteen broad spaced RC holes have been completed in the first phase of drilling in the southern part of the Aileron project, north of WA1’s Luni discovery. This programme has successfully identified two new mineralised carbonatites at the Green and Emily targets.

Green Target

Seven drill holes were drilled at Green on an 800m to 1,200m line spacing (one to three holes per line). Two holes (EAL082, EAL083) on the eastern most drill line intersected carbonatites anomalous in niobium and REE1. EAL082 intersected a carbonatite at 108m and EAL083 intersected carbonatite closer to surface at ~40m. These carbonatites were variably anomalous in niobium and REE to end of hole.

The north-east mineralised trend established at Green remains open to the east towards a large circular feature defined in magnetics which is interpreted as a potential intrusive complex.

An additional heritage survey will be completed early in 2024 to facilitate drill testing of this mineralised trend and interpreted intrusive body.

Emily Target

Following observations from drilling in other parts of Aileron, a distinct magnetic low on the Endurance Fault situated two km north-west of WA1’s Luni discovery, was targeted for drilling and named the Emily target.

The first RC drilling at Emily intersected carbonatites at approximately 50m depth in three 200m spaced holes (EAL094, EAL095, EAL098). These carbonatites were variably mineralised in niobium-REE1 to end of hole at 180-234m.

Additional drilling is planned for Emily in November 2023.

Next Steps

Assays from the RC drilling at Green and Emily are expected in December 2023-January 2024.

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