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Encounter Resources Ltd (ASX:ENR) has commenced diamond drilling at Lamil in the Paterson Province of WA.

We are closing in on the core of the copper-gold system at our 100% owned Lamil project,” Managing Director, Will Robinson, said.

“The diamond drilling completed in late 2021 intersected a thick prospective package containing multiple, stacked copper-gold reefs that are open on section and down plunge.

“The drilling also intersected chalcocite dominant copper mineralisation demonstrating the system’s ability to produce high-grade mineralisation.

“This EIS co-funded diamond drill programme will test if the system continues to strengthen down plunge and down dip. In the coming months substantial diamond drill programmes will be completed at three Encounter projects:

  • 1,500m programme at the Lamil project in the Paterson Province of WA (EIS co-funded);
  • 3,000m programme at the Elliott copper project in the Northern Territory (BHP funded); and
  • 4,500m programme at the Yeneena copper project in the Paterson Province of WA (IGO funded).”


 Lamil covers an area of ~61 sq. km and is located 25km northwest of the major copper-gold mine at Telfer, owned by Newcrest Mining Ltd.

 Lamil is adjacent to a major regional gravity lineament which marks the location of an interpreted significant crustal scale structure that would have acted as a pathway for mineralising fluids during the formation of the Proterozoic aged deposits.

The Dune prospect is located in the northwest of the Lamil project and consists of a laterally extensive gold-copper system, outlined by broad spaced RC drilling over one km of strike.

The mineralisation at Dune is hosted in metasedimentary rocks of the Proterozoic Lamil group which also host the Telfer, Havieron and Winu Au-Cu deposits.

Dune is situated close to the intersection of the prospective Upper Malu formation and the interpreted fold axis in the north western part of the Lamil Dome.

Seven diamond holes were completed at Dune in September 2021. Copper-gold mineralisation was intersected in two diamond drill sections spaced 200m apart.

Next Steps

This EIS co-funded diamond drill program (1,500m) has commenced. The program will test the mineralised units containing stacked copper-gold reefs, down plunge and down dip.

A gravity anomaly identified in the recent survey adjacent to the Elsa prospect at Lamil is also planned to be tested, either in the current diamond drill program or when a suitable RC rig becomes available in the area.

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