Errawarra Resources Ltd (ASX:ERW) has mobilised a rig to the Andover West project in the West Pilbara region of Western Australia.

In December 2022, the company identified three priority targets, which are the subject of the Andover West maiden drilling campaign.
The current drill programme has been designed to target the previously identified geophysical anomalies at areas A, B and C and represent the best opportunity to intersect massive nickel sulphides.
A diamond core drill rig has now commenced drilling at the Area B priority target. Modelling of the anomalies suggests that drilling is anticipated to intersect the target above a depth of 200m.
Diamond drilling had been selected as the preferred method of testing the anomalies due to the larger sample and more consistent material recovered. This allows for better visual inspection of the sample and identification of potential mineralisation.
On completion of the initial three exploratory drill holes down hole electromagnetic (DHEM) surveys will be undertaken to potentially identify conductive zones within the target horizons, which could represent massive sulphides and provide vectoring for additional holes. Any new conductor targets potentially identified will be subject to drill testing in a follow-up drill programme.
Although the current focus of exploration at the company’s Andover West tenement is for the discovery of nickel, the overall tenement, which has an area of 100 sq. km, is highly prospective for various other commodities, including lithium, and will be the subject of additional exploration activities over the course of 2023.