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Estrella Resources Limited (ASX: ESR) has intersected 17m of disseminated to semi-massive nickel-copper sulphides in diamond hole CBDD076, 180m south of the new Broonhill Discovery, within the 100% owned Carr Boyd nickel-copper sulphide project located 80km northeast of the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder.

The second, more heavily mineralised diamond drillhole CBDD076 aimed to test the Broonhill basal contact 180m south of the CBDD071 sulphide intersection and 200m down plunge of the initial discovery RC hole CBP076.

The drillhole confirms the Broonhill mineralisation is increasing in width and sulphide content and exhibits a southerly plunge direction consistent with that seen at T5, which lies 1.5km to the south.

Persistence, perseverance, and patience has paid off in our drilling of the extensive contact north of T5 with the discovery of nickel and copper sulphides at depth at the emerging Broonhill deposit,” Managing Director, Chris Daws, said.

“Our 100% owned Carr Boyd nickel and copper project continues to deliver the results we had predicted from our geological modelling and this latest drill hit has proven we need to be methodical in our search and leave no rock unturned.

“Well done to all the staff, contractors and service providers that have contributed to this discovery as it would not be possible without all their help and assistance, thank you.

“We still have an enormous area of highly prospective basal contact to explore at Carr Boyd, though with the new UDR1200 diamond drill rig recently commissioned at Carr Boyd we are making fantastic progress. I certainly look forward to the busy work we have ahead and the excitement that new discoveries bring.”

Modelling of the basal contact and intrusion geology from recent drilling between T5 and Broonhill confirms the company’s exploration model that predicted this area as highly prospective. This is due to a favourable basal contact orientation being in close proximity to good sulphide sources within the host rock, forming a gravity trap for any sulphides that were tapped by the intrusion.

The contamination of the intrusion’s pyroxenite with local sulphur sources results in the silica-sulphide plume observed to surround mineralisation within the Carr Boyd Igneous Complex.

Next Steps

Currently there are two diamond drill rigs on site. The new UDR1200 diamond drill is capable of producing well over 100m of core per day at Carr Boyd, significantly reducing drill costs whilst maintaining a drill rate double to triple that of previous rigs.

The drill contractor will take this opportunity to refurbish the older diamond rig whilst DHEM surveys on the platform holes are commenced (CBDD071 to CBDD076).

The company will await the modelling of a successful Phase 2 R&D Seismic Survey in conjunction with the DHEM survey results before planning deeper, targeted follow-up drilling at Broonhill.

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