Estrella Resources Limited (ASX: ESR) has obtained early success at both Phase 4 southern diamond drilling and the northern reverse circulation drilling programmes in Western Australia.

Drilling has extended known nickel-sulphides deposited along the T5 basal contact to a strike length of over 1.5km.
The result comes as exploration drilling steps out both north and south from the T5 Discovery targeting the interpreted T5 massive sulphide plunge direction.
CBDD056 – Stepping 750m Down Plunge from the T5 Discovery
Diamond hole CBDD056 was drilled to test the T5 Basal Contact 200m to the north of the CBDD052 remobilised sulphides reported to the ASX on 10th September 2021.
The latest hole intersected primary, disseminated to highly-disseminated nickel sulphides on the T5 basal contact suggesting the company’s interpretation of flow direction and sulphide deposition is sound.
The intersection occurred between 730.41 metres and 741.75 metres down hole which equates to approximately 700 metres below surface.
The sulphide textures in CBDD056 indicate primary sulphide deposition of nickel-copper-iron sulphides onto the T5 basal contact. This differs from that observed in CBDD052 some 200 metres to the south where the sulphides were being remobilised by the flow, suspended as globules and xenoliths in a zone of higher magma flow rates.
The company’s vectoring model of a northerly flow direction is being confirmed by these two holes. The company believes that sulphide deposition should therefore increase to the north and also at depth.
A NAVI hole (a specialised directional wedge hole) was collared 450 metres down CBDD056 to intersect the basal contact approximately 100 metres below the nickel and copper sulphides seen within CBDD056. This will test the contact at a greater depth and set up a downhole electromagnetic (DHEM) platform for further exploration. This hole will be completed within weeks and the Company will update the market once results have been compiled.
CBDD056 also targeted a large footwall DHEM anomaly generated by the surveying of CBDD052. The Company can confirm that the hole intersected a thin Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide zone around 30cm in width that exists within the footwall sediments of the Morelands Formation. Thin zones of chalcopyrite and sphalerite (copper and zinc minerals) were observed. This zone warrants further testing as and when it coincides with nickel exploration as it lies some way into the footwall.
CBP062 Stepping 750m Up Plunge from the T5 Discovery
The Northern RC program, designed to target the full 3.5km northern extent of the T5 Basal Pyroxenite has also enjoyed early success with hole CBP062 intersecting a 4-metre zone of disseminated to stringer nickel-copper sulphides on the T5 basal contact.
This zone coincides with the 760m up-plunge direction of the T5 massive sulphide discovery predicted by the vectors identified in the Phase 3 drilling. Detailed logging suggests disseminated to stringer sulphides approximating 10% total sulphide content over the 4 metres.
Portable XRF results confirm nickel and copper is elevated in these intervals and samples have been sent away for assay. In general, the RC program has intersected the basal contact where predicted and has identified varying amounts of sulphides along this contact. The Company’s geological model suggests that sulphides intersected within this region of the flow have increasing potential to form massive sulphides at depth.
Managing Director, Chris Daws, said all of the deeper Phase 4 RC holes will be cased for DHEM and all sulphide intersections will be followed up with diamond holes during Phase 5 to commence early next year. Phase 4 is 10% complete with a further 3km of the T5 Pyroxenite basal contact yet to be tested.
These initial results from the Phase 4 drilling campaign at our 100% owned Carr Boyd Nickel and Copper Project are highly encouraging highlighting nickel-sulphides deposited along the T5 basal contact extend to a strike length of over 1.5km. With only 10% of the program completed, it is still early days but I am excited by what this campaign has already uncovered and I look forward to updating the market on further drilling as we move forward,” Mr Daws said.