Estrella Resources Limited (ASX: ESR) has received significant assays for the first eight Phase 3 diamond drill holes at the T5 Prospect at its 100%-owned Carr Boyd Project in WA.

The assays received have confirmed the company’s interpretation of the geology, flow direction and grade distribution within the Upper T5 Conductor Zone along the basal contact
Managing Director, Chris Daws, said of note are the intersections received for CBDD054 and CBDD054B which are some of the best results intersected at the T5 Prospect to date.
Assays are pending from four holes which have recently been completed, CBDD049B, CBDD050, CBDD054A and CBDD055, the latter two penetrating the same core zone as did CBDD030 which intersected 3.2m @ 3.19% Ni
To have received some of the best results yet from our highly prospective Carr Boyd nickel-copper project is very encouraging,” Mr Daws said.
“The results are particularly pleasing as it not only confirms our geological modelling of the Carr Boyd intrusive complex but it also demonstrates that the contact zone has the potential to bear high-grade results.
“We have a large volume of additional assay results to come and will update shareholders as soon as they are available.”
Highlights of this latest batch of assay results include:
- CBDD054 returned 13.4m(@ 1.3% Ni & 0.4% Cu, including 6.26m( @ 2.08% Ni & 0.63% Cu, 2.78 g/t Ag, 0.67 g/t Pt + Pd.
- CBDD054B returned 25.32m(1)@ 0.8% Ni & 0.6% Cu; Including 4.96m(1)@ 1.15% Ni & 0.71% Cu, 2.45 g/t Ag, 1.13 g/t Pt + Pd; And a further 7.78m(1)@ 1.14% Ni & 0.93% Cu, 3.14 g/t Ag, 0.72 g/t Pt + Pd.
- CBDD049A: 1.87m(1)@ 1.74% Ni & 0.54% Cu, 2.60 g/t Ag, 0.90 g/t Pt + Pd.
- CBDD053: 1.89m(1)@ 1.40% Ni & 0.34% Cu, 1.49 g/t Ag, 0.59 g/t Pt + Pd. CBDD053A: 2.0m(1)@ 0.46% Ni & 1.43% Cu, 6.50 g/t Ag, 0.52 g/t Pt + Pd.
The assays confirm the company’s geological interpretation of the settling, remobilisation and re-settling of massive sulphides along the T5 Pyroxenite Feeder basal contact. The intersections from diamond drillholes CBDD048, CBDD049A and CBDD049C show higher-grade massive and breccia sulphides on the basal contact with only a thin zone of lower-grade material stratigraphically above. The lower-grade material consists of disseminated sulphides that grade into globular sulphides just above the massive sulphide zones. This represents the active erosion of massive sulphides in this location at the time of solidification of the melt.
These sulphides are carried “down-stream” and are piled up above the massive sulphides intersected in CBDD054, CBDD054A (assays pending) and CBDD054B. In CBDD054B there are two massive sulphide zones, a lower basal contact breccia zone, and an upper semi-massive zone where remobilised globular sulphides from the eroded area mentioned above are beginning to coagulate and descend through the melt. Above this is a much broader zone of disseminated to blebby sulphides which remain suspended by flow turbulence.
Further down-stream, around holes CBDD053, CBDD053A and CBDD053B, a broad zone of globular, blebby and disseminated sulphides was intersected and is interpreted to be an area where higher turbulence prevented massive sulphide formation and in areas may even have scoured the contact of massive sulphides.
This is expected to be a cyclic repetition of scouring and redeposition along the flow direction, as evidenced by the intersection of massive sulphides further down the contact in holes CBDD035, CBDD036 and CBDD042A.
Phase 3 will continue to step-out along the T5 Conductor to gain important vectoring information to further areas of suggested massive sulphide deposition beyond the current T5 Electromagnetic Conductor.