Flynn Gold Limited (ASX: FG1) has received high-grade gold assay results from drill hole BRDD003 at the Brilliant prospect at its Golden Ridge Project in northeast Tasmania.

Preliminary assays received from diamond drill hole BRDD003 at Brilliant have returned multiple high-grade gold intercepts within broad mineralisation zones.
Key significant intercepts
BRDD003: 13.0m @ 2.86 g/t Au from 194.0m, including 6.0m @ 5.77 g/t Au from 194.0m, including 0.5m @ 56.3g/t Au from 195.0m, 38.0m @ 1.34 g/t Au from 111.0m, including o 1.0m @ 9.05 g/t Au from 111.0m; and 3.0m @ 8.88 g/t Au from 146.0, including 1.0m @ 11.7g/t Au from 146m,.5m @ 17.9 g/t Au from 157.0m
The high-grade intercepts in GRDD003 are consistent with previously reported visible gold in the drill core.
A 38m thick mineralised zone from 111.0m in BRDD003 correlates well with mineralisation 50m down-dip in historical hole GRD006 (57m @ 2.55 g/t Au from 201m, including 4m @ 20.2 g/t Au from 236m).
This zone remains open at depth below GRD006 as well as along strike and represents a priority target that will be tested in upcoming drill holes.
According to the Company BRDD003 was designed to confirm results of historical drillholes and to provide data relating to the orientation of structures, veining and mineralisation.
BRDD003 was completed to a depth of 309.8m, intersecting variably contact metamorphosed (biotite-hornfelsed) sandstone and interbedded sandstone-siltstone sequences of the Mathinna Group. Multiple zones of sheeted quartz-arsenopyrite-pyrite veining with associated gold mineralisation occur throughout the hole.
The mineralised veins are associated with variable silica and sericitic alteration of the hornfelsed host rock. A zone of fault-shearing was intersected from approximately 146.5m to 150.4m downhole depth which is interpreted to represent an important structural and geological bounding feature to mineralised zones in BRDD003 and also in nearby drillhole GRD006.
Structural logging of the oriented drillcore indicates that mineralised vein sets predominantly strike northeast and dip steeply to subvertically towards the southeast.