Lithium explorer Force Commodities (ASX:4CE) putting the foot on the accelerator, commencing maiden RC drilling at its Democratic Republic of Congo-based Kanuka joint-venture project, while also receiving promising assay results from initial auger drilling.
Force, which holds 51% of the Kanuka project in partnership with Congolese mining company MMR (49%), is close to completing phase one of its RC drill campaign, with three of five drill fences completed.
The company has punched 29 RC holes to date, with all drilling intersecting pegmatitic rock-types, as predicted by geological mapping.
The drill holes have been shallow – to a depth of 60 metres – and combine for a total of 1,740m of drilling.
Importantly for investors, the Company is fast-tracking exploration results by sending samples from the initial 21 RC drill holes for assay results, while simultaneously continuing the drill program.

Meanwhile, Force has also received highly promising results from auger drilling completed earlier this year.
The assays will build anticipation in its current drilling program, with auger results confirming broad surface lithium mineralisation.
50 of 51 samples returned lithium hits, with a top result of 2.13% Li2O.
Commenting on the drill campaign, Force head of exploration James Sullivan said:
The RC drilling is progressing at a good and steady rate, so we are expecting to complete the remainder of the RC program within the next 2 weeks.
“The information we are gathering from the RC drilling program and the assay results from the previously completed auger program will greatly assist us in pinpointing the location and depth of holes in our maiden diamond drilling program – which will follow the RC program upon review of RC drilling results,” he said.
Force holds some highly prospective real-estate with the Kanuka JV located just 5km south of AVZ Mineral’s Manono-Kitotolo Lithium project, which has returned outstanding results, including 235.0m @ 1.66% Li2O, 202.8m @ 1.57% Li2O and 250.9m @ 1.48% Li2O.