Frontier Resources Limited (ASX:FNT) has significantly extended known gold mineralisation through a sampling and mapping programme at the Kimono and Kimono South prospects near the Tolukuma Gold Mine in Papua New Guinea.

A total of 102 soil, 102 rock chip (51 float and 51 outcrop) and 205 chip‐channel trench samples were collected.
The geological mapping, rock sampling, ridge‐spur soil sampling and hand trenching was designed to:
- Test the continuity and strike extensions of the known historical gold‐mineralised veins.
- Validate selected historical trench assay results and trench geology, and to define, if possible, a drill target at Kimono Central.
- Map and sample the projected intersection zone of the known mineralised veins.
- Follow‐up historical anomalous gold‐in‐soil anomalies and complete some additional in‐fill soil sampling.
The best rock chip sampling results were from the Kimono Vein where anomalous assays greater than 1.0g/t Au ranged from 101 g/t Au to 1.42 g/t Auand include values of 80.9 g/t, 52.7 g/t and 22.2 g/tindicating this is a high‐grade segment of the Kimono Vein.
Elsewhere the best rock chip results were 2.13 g/t Auat the Tassy Vein, 1.15 g/t Auin lower Holsiga Creek, 1.42 g/t Auin Fala Creek and 1.62 g/t Aunear Soil Line 5.
Mineralisation includes gold and silver as electrum, pyrite/marcasite, fine dark, stibnite, rare arsenopyrite and minor copper, lead, zinc base metal sulphides.
Continuity of gold mineralisation occurs at 360m and 600m further to the south‐southwest at Lower Holsiga Creek where trench sampling returned 1.0m @ 4.03 g/t Auand 1.0m @ 1.42g/t Aurespectively.
Meanwhile, the newly discovered Tassy vein is interpreted to extend to over 1km strike length with rock sampling results including 2.13g/t Au and trench sampling results including 3.0m @ 2.87g/t Au and 1.0m @ 15.50g/t Au.
Along the Dudu Vein at Soil Line 5, 1.3km south‐southeast from Kimono Central, trench sampling results returned values of 6.0m @ 1.48 g/t Au including 2.0m @ 3.36g/t Au.
Additional trench sampling is planned to begin in late January to better define drill hole targets.