Future Metals NL (ASX: FME) has commenced its drill programme at the Panton North project. Panton North is located adjacent to the company’s wholly owned Panton Project in Western Australia.

The project is subject to a Farm-In Agreement with Octava Minerals Limited.
Drilling Programme
Drilling has commenced at the Panton North Project, starting at the BC1 Prospect. This first pass RC drilling programme has been designed to test the BC1 and Panton West Prospects for Ni-Cu-PGM mineralisation. The drill programme is expected to run through June and up to early July. The prospectivity of these targets is supported by detailed analysis performed on information across EM, magnetics, gravity, stream sediments, soil samples, rock chip samples, and validation in the field.
At the BC1 Prospect, drilling has been designed to test the newly interpreted basal contact for the Panton sill, which is supported by EM and magnetic anomalism.
Drilling at the Panton West Prospect is targeting discrete magnetic features coincident with EM anomalism at depth, with these features located on the contact of a gravity high interpreted to be an ultramafic intrusion under cover. Neither of these targets have been previously drilled.
The company has secured all necessary approvals for drilling at BC1 and Panton West. The company was also successfully approved for EIS funding of A$147,000 from the Western Australian State Government to co-fund drilling at the Panton West Prospect.