Geophysical profiling into Galan Lithium’s (ASX:GLN) maiden drillhole at the Candelas lithium brine project in Argentina has uncovered a brine section of 192 metres consisting of high grades and low impurities.
The brine began at around 200 metres and extended to the bottom of the hole at 401 metres. The drillhole was cement cased down to 205 metres and sampled over a 192-metre section to 397 metres.
The section was repeatedly flushed before samples of clean brine were taken and an exceptional intercept of 192 metres at 802 mg/l Li returned.
Samples from the drillhole have been sent for check analysis to a second laboratory, SGS Argentina, returned values within acceptable ranges and slightly higher than the original samples resulting in higher average grades overall.
Following its successful maiden drillhole a second drillhole successfully commenced and is currently at around 465 metres depth. This second drillhole is located on geophysical CSAMT line 4 approximately 9.5km south of the maiden drillhole.
The basin in this area comprises a downthrown block ‐ brine target horizon expected at depth but is yet to be reached.
This maiden drill programme is planned to comprise five holes drilled along the ~15 km extent of the Candelas channel.

The Hombre Muerto salar, on which the Candelas channel is located, is proven to host the highest grade and lowest impurity levels of lithium brines within Argentina and is home to Livent Corporation’s El Fenix operation and Galaxy Resources and POSCO’s Sal de Vida projects.
Shares in Galan were last trading at 56.5c on Monday.