Galena Mining (ASX: G1A) has received significant high-grade assay results from the Abra project in Western Australia after the data cut-off associated with the recent 2023 Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE).
Managing Director, Tony James, said the results reinforce confidence in the existing mine plan, mineral resource conversion and extension, and production guidance.

Two underground drill rigs continue working at Abra and the recent MRE update included an additional 26,277m (163 holes) of underground diamond drilling. The updated MRE highlighted that after mining and the re-interpretation of the upper margin of the orebody following underground access and mapping, there was no material change in grade or tonnage for the MRE.
Since the MRE update data cut-off date (5 May 2023) a further 13,336m (70 holes) of drilling has occurred and these results relate to that drilling. Table 1 below lists all the intercepts from that drilling.
A significant portion of the mining plans over the next 12 months is now drilled to a 12m x 12m spacing and these results for areas within and adjacent to those work areas are expected to further improve the metal production during that time. The drilling is also confirming the extension of both Apron and Core mineralisation to the northeast of the deposit which is expected to increase the size of the MRE based on our current observations and understanding of the mineralisation in this area.
Mr James said the increased confidence and understanding of the ore to be mined over the next 12 months will allow some drilling of the Abra North and Abra Copper-Gold targets below the existing mineralisation and planning has commenced for this drilling.
These strong results complement our mine plans over the next 12 months. Geologically they show the importance of the interface between the Core and Apron zones and the potential extension of the deposit to the Northeast. As mining progresses in these areas on multiple fronts and levels, it will generate enormous opportunity for us as we continue improving our production profile,” he said.