Galileo Mining Ltd (ASX:GAL) has appointed highly experienced mining lawyer Cecilia Camarri as an Independent Non-Executive Director of the company.

Ms Camarri is Special Counsel at a WA law firm and has extensive experience specialising in the mining industry.
She acts as a legal adviser to private and listed mining companies and has both operational and management experience.
Ms Camarri began her mining career in 1996 at the historic Great Fingall Gold Mine at Day Dawn near Cue in WA.
Following this she undertook community and public relations management roles at the Super Pit / Mt Charlotte underground mine and Alcoa’s Wagerup Refinery before becoming a lawyer.
Ms Camarri has acted for many WA based exploration and mining companies and was the In-House Counsel for the Creasy Group between 2012 and 2016.
She has a Bachelor of Laws, a Graduate Diploma in Journalism, a Bachelor of Arts, and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
We are delighted to welcome Cecilia to the board of Galileo. She has outstanding expertise as a mining lawyer and a deep industry network which will assist the company as we look to transition from pure exploration to resource development at our recent Callisto palladium discovery,” Galileo’s Managing Director Brad Underwood said.