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Galileo Mining Ltd (ASX: GAL) has obtained highly anomalous nickel-copper-cobalt-palladium assay results from aircore drilling at the company’s 100% owned Norseman project in Western Australia.

Managing Director, Brad Underwood, said partial results from the 2021 drill campaign at the Norseman project have now been received with further results expected over the coming weeks.

 “Momentum continues to build at our Norseman project with aircore drill assays showing we have nickel-copper-cobalt-palladium close to previously reported highly conductive EM targets at the Jimberlana prospect.

“The range of targets also continues to expand with the identification of new anomalies up to 500 metres away from known massive sulphide mineralisation.

“The scale of the targets is very encouraging with potential for the development of significant magmatic nickelcopper-cobalt-palladium at a number of locations.

“The stand-out areas of interest are currently the conductive EM anomalies which are well supported by the latest aircore drill results. These are modelled to start between 20 and 80 metres below surface and are easily tested with RC drilling.

“We have additional aircore drill results due to be received from the laboratory over the coming weeks. With the results in hand, and those to come, we expect to be very busy at our Norseman and Fraser Range projects over the coming months.

RC drilling of existing nickel-palladium targets at the Mt Thirsty prospect is planned for April while drill testing of the Jimberlana prospect will be undertaken after the completion of heritage surveys and receipt of statutory approvals.”

Significant result up dip from the Jimberlana EM conductor J1 have provided strong support for new drill target at shallow depth with:

  •  12 metres @ 0.13% nickel, 0.11% copper, 0.01% cobalt and 0.12 g/t palladium (from 8m in NAC068) and
  • 5.0 metres @ 0.15% nickel, 0.11% copper, 0.02% cobalt and 0.11 g/t palladium (from 24m in NAC068)

Drill holes adjacent to J1 EM conductor were also found to be anomalous with:

  • 16 metres @ 0.15% nickel, 0.10% copper, 0.01% cobalt and 0.20 g/t palladium (from surface in NAC066)
  • 11 metres @ 0.22% nickel, 0.05% copper, 0.02% cobalt and 0.14 g/t palladium (from 16m in NAC076)

A new drill target is positioned 400 metres east of J1 conductor with significant bottom of hole assays 1.0 metre @ 0.19% nickel, 0.13% copper, 0.16% cobalt and 31ppb palladium (from 49m in NAC061)

Anomalous results of 1.0 metre @ 0.39% nickel, 0.17% copper, 0.03% cobalt and 73 ppb palladium (from 38m in bottom of hole NAC092) were received from 500 metres west of previously reported massive sulphide intercept.

Galileo is now planning RC drilling of the Mt Thirsty prospect at Norseman for April along with drilling of the new Jimberlana prospects to start after heritage surveys and receipt of statutory approvals. For further information please visit:

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