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Staff Writer

Galileo Mining Ltd (ASX: GAL) has identified a new lower zone with high-grade assays from recent drilling at the Callisto palladium-platinum-gold-rhodium-copper-nickel discovery within the company’s 100% owned Norseman project in Western Australia.

Today’s assay results continue to expand the existing footprint of rich sulphide mineralisation at Callisto and demonstrates considerable opportunity for growth as we step out our drilling programs over the coming months,” Managing Director Brad Underwood said.

“The drill result from NRCD292 is from a new sulphide zone in the same geological position as the original discovery, and our working model is one of multiple mineralised zones in the area.

“This idea is further confirmed by the identification of a new intrusion 250 metres north of the Callisto discovery. At this location we are seeing disseminated sulphides with the same pattern of metal distribution and the same host rocks. The anomalous drill results in this new area will be followed up with RC drill testing aiming to vector towards higher grade metal zones.

“Meanwhile our diamond drilling is using the same exploration concepts to vector towards a potential source of mineralisation at Callisto with 100 metre step out drilling designed to provide a broad framework of the overall mineralised area.

“With over five kilometres of prospective rocks along strike to the north, and with multiple mineralised intrusions discovered to date, we believe the opportunity for growth in this new palladium-nickel district is significant.”

 Assays have been reported for drill holes NRCD292, NRCD302, NRCD321, NRCD322, NRCD335, and NRC386, from within the Callisto mineralised footprint.


  • Sulphide intersection from new lower zone with high grade assays;
    • 10 metres @ 2.19 g/t 3E1 (1.84 g/t Pd, 0.31 g/t Pt, 0.04 g/t Au), 0.27% Cu & 0.23% Ni from 279m (NRCD292) including 3.0 metres @ 3.91 g/t 3E (3.12 g/t Pd, 0.68 g/t Pt, 0.11 g/t Au), 0.65% Cu & 0.48% Ni from 280m
  • Consistent high-grade mineralisation between drill holes on existing sections with significant results including;
    • 29 metres @ 1.58 g/t 3E (1.30 g/t Pd, 0.21 g/t Pt, 0.07 g/t Au), 0.29% Cu & 0.26% Ni from 154m (NRCD302), including 11 metres @ 2.44 g/t 3E (2.01 g/t Pd, 0.32 g/t Pt, 0.11 g/t Au), 0.49% Cu & 0.36% Ni from 168m
    • 25 metres @ 1.53 g/t 3E (1.23 g/t Pd, 0.23 g/t Pt, 0.08 g/t Au), 0.22% Cu & 0.26% Ni from 296m (NRCD321), including 3.0 metres @ 2.57 g/t 3E (2.05 g/t Pd, 0.38 g/t Pt, 0.14 g/t Au), 0.54% Cu & 0.40% Ni from 311m

Mineralisation is interpreted as a broad continuous zone of disseminated sulphides which remains open at depth to the east on all sections; open to the north of 6,448,050; and open to the south of 6,447,900.

Logging and interpretation of drill core indicates that Callisto is a separate mineralised sill, with a number of sulphide mineralised zones, that has intruded the pre-existing parent sill. The parent sill has a strong magnetic signature which trends north-northeast. The non-mineralised parent sill outcrops over a five-kilometre strike to the north with opportunity for additional mineralised intrusions within this prospective horizon.

Drilling at Callisto is now focussed on determining the size and grade of the sulphide zones, understanding the relationship with the much larger host sill, and looking for a possible source of the discovery to the east. Assays are pending for a 14 further drill holes.

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