Galileo Mining Ltd (ASX: GAL) has commenced geophysical surveying along strike from the Callisto discovery at the company’s 100% owned Norseman project in Western Australia.

We are very pleased to have started IP surveying at our Norseman project as it gives us the opportunity to identify new areas of mineralisation within the 20km of prospective ground around the Callisto discovery,” Managing Director Brad Underwood said.
“IP geophysical surveying is known for the detection of buried disseminated sulphide mineralisation and we are aiming to locate good quality targets for drill testing. The Callisto deposit is a large intrusion within an extensive mafic-ultramafic sill complex. We believe the opportunities for additional mineralised intrusions within the Callisto belt and the adjacent Mission Sill prospect are significant.
“Initial results from the first round of IP surveying are expected in four to five weeks with further surveying planned in the first quarter of 2024. Samples from the recent RC drilling at North and South Callisto are currently at the laboratory with assays expected in December.
“We are excited to be exploring in this newly discovered mineralised belt and look forward to the results from our ongoing exploration programmes.”