Galileo Mining Ltd (ASX: GAL) has defined two priority palladium targets through soil sampling results from its 100% owned Norseman project located within the Kambalda nickel belt of Western Australia.

Managing Director, Brad Underwood, said the new targets identified through the soil sampling targeting palladium and have now been added to the list of targets for initial drill testing in the next drill programme.
The latest soil sampling results from Norseman further confirm the strong potential for mineralisation in the area,” Mr Underwood said.
“While our previous soil samples had highly anomalous values up to 0.31 g/t palladium we are now seeing even better results up to 0.81 g/t and almost 10% of the samples analysed were greater than 0.1 g/t.
“We have also confirmed that the anomalous zones fall within the areas of existing POWs from the Mines Department which allows us to include the new targets in the upcoming aircore drilling programme.
“A drilling contract was signed in July with an expected start date in September/October. However, the precise timing is subject to rig availability with Western Australia continuing to experience strong demand for drilling services.”
The most recent soil sampling program consisted of 458 samples covering a highly prospective area at the Mission Sill/Jimberlana prospects between two areas with maximum palladium in soil values of 0.31g/t Pd and 0.16g/t Pd.
The new sampling has shown two zones of strong palladium and platinum potential – one over the Mission Sill at an ultramafic/mafic contact and the second over a particular unit within the layered intrusive Jimberlana Dyke.
The Jimberlana Dyke has been described by the Geological Survey of Western Australia as similar to the Great Dyke of Zimbabwe which is a centre of palladium and platinum production.
Previous drilling by Barrier Exploration in the early 1970s targeted nickel-copper mineralisation within the general area. No records exist of drilling targeted at either the new unit defined by Galileo sampling within the Jimberlana Dyke or targeted at the ultramafic/gabbro contact on the Mission Sill.
A 10,000m aircore drilling programme is planned to follow up the palladium and nickel anomalies as a first pass test prior to deeper drilling.
RC and/or diamond drilling will be undertaken after the completion of aircore drilling aiming to follow up any anomalies resulting from the aircore programmes. RC/diamond drilling will also test down dip and along strike of Galileo’s existing mineralised drill results within the Norseman Project area including palladium intersections such as:
- 27 metres @ 0.58 g/t Pd, 0.12 g/t Pt, 0.13 % Cu & 0.18% Ni (MTRC096) including 3.0 metres @ 1.1 g/t Pd, 0.19 g/t Pt, 0.23% Cu & 0.26% Ni; and
- 24 metres @ 0.51 g/t Pd, 0.08 g/t Pt, 0.10 % Cu & 0.15% Ni (MTRC086)
The grade within the sulphide zone increases towards the east supporting the interpretation that increased mineralisation occurs within the target zone.
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