ASX-listed explorer Galileo Mining says several thick intersections from resource extension drilling at the Norseman project in the Goldfields region of Western Australia highlights areas prospective for additional resources.
The drilling was focussed on identifying extensions to the existing Mission Sill South cobalt resource and provides potential for resource upgrades and extensions remains at the Norseman project.
A total of 43 RC holes were completed at the Mission Sill South Cobalt Prospect. Latest results include several thick intercepts of cobalt mineralisation including 12m at 0.1% cobalt from 54m, 27m at 0.09% cobalt from 33m and 15m at 0.09% cobalt from 33m.
Galileo will now undertake an updated JORC 2012 compliant cobalt resource for the Mission Sill South area utilising the new drilling data.
Galileo Managing Director Brad Underwood said the continued identification of cobalt mineralisation outside of the currently known resources provided encouragement for the potential increase of JORC compliant resources at Norseman.
Currently we have over 22,000 tonnes of contained cobalt in our JORC resource inventory. We aim to build this resource base at the same time as we are completing metallurgical studies and progressing our scoping study,” he said.
“Our news flow over the next month will include more assay results from drilling at Norseman as well as details of metallurgical work currently being undertaken.

We are also pleased to advise that first pass drilling at the Empire Rose prospect in the Fraser Range has been completed and samples from this program are currently at the laboratory awaiting analysis.” Mr Underwood added.
The Mission Sill South cobalt mineralisation remains open to the northeast beyond the recent drilling.
Drill holes with cobalt mineralisation will also be assayed for platinum-palladium to understand the distribution of these high value metals within the area.