Galileo Mining Ltd (ASX: GAL) has commenced a new RC drilling programme at the company’s 100% owned Callisto discovery within the Norseman project area in Western Australia.

The drill programme is focussed on the Callisto discovery where six drill holes reported to the ASX in May 2022 each intersected palladium-platinum-gold-copper-nickel sulphide intersections. NRC266 was additionally analysed for rhodium with positive results released to the market on May 27, 2022.
It is great to be back drilling at Callisto so soon after the release of results from the first drill programme in May,” Managing Director, Brad Underwood, said.
“The current drilling aims to expand on the early results with drilling designed at a 50 metre spacing across strike to be followed by drill lines along strike to the north. The mineralisation intersected to date contains palladium, platinum, gold, copper, nickel, and rhodium, and the grades appear to be increasing towards the eastern target zone.
“The extensive prospective strike, combined with the thick and consistent mineralisation drilled to date, indicates the potential for a large mineralised system. Approximately 20 holes will be undertaken in this round of drilling and we look forward to updating the market with results from this exciting new discovery.”