Staff Writer

Galileo Mining Ltd (ASX: GAL) has released the maiden Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) for the Callisto discovery within the company’s 100% owned Norseman project in Western Australia.


Maiden Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate

calculated for the Callisto Pd–Pt–Au–Rh–Ni–Cu sulphide deposit;

  • 17.5 Mt @ 1.04g/t 4E1, 0.20% Ni, 0.16% Cu (2.3g/t PdEq or 0.52% NiEq)
  • Contained metal includes 585,000oz 4E, 35kt Ni and 28kt Cu (~1.27Moz PdEq or ~91,000t NiEq)
  • ~8Mt (46%) of the resource is inside the indicated category

with a 2.5g/t PdEq grade or 0.58% NiEq (metal content within indicated resource category of ~639,000oz PdEq or ~45,800t NiEq)

The Callisto discovery is the first deposit of its type identified in Australia and is analogous in mineralisation style to the Platreef deposits found in South Africa.

Galileo’s discovery of the Callisto deposit has been a major breakthrough in understanding the geology and prospectivity at our Norseman project,” Managing Director, Brad Underwood, said.

“We have now defined a significant resource from a total of 147 drill holes (38,695m) within an established mining district of Western Australia. The discovery occurs on a granted Mining Lease just 15 km from the town of Norseman and with extensive nearby infrastructure including gas pipeline, water pipeline, railway, and sealed highway.

“The nature of the mineralisation at Callisto is analogous to the Platreef deposits in South Africa where several deposits occur over a strike length of tens of kilometres. Applying this knowledge, we will broaden our search for more discoveries starting with the prospective areas at our North and South Callisto prospects.

“Ultimately, we believe this search space will encompass the full 20km of the prospective host rocks at the Callisto trend and the further 12km of prospective strike length at the Mission Sill prospect where similar geology has been intersected in drilling.

“We believe the potential for new discoveries within our project area is high and will be undertaking extensive drill campaigns aimed at generating new discoveries. The next drill program will test targets at both South and North Callisto prospects and is scheduled to commence in late October. We very much look forward to getting these drill campaigns underway in this exciting new mineral province.”

The Callisto deposit is an undercover discovery found after a review of two drill holes which targeted a geophysical EM conductor. While the source of the conductor was a sulphidic sediment it was noted that the drill holes had passed through a band of weakly disseminated sulphide mineralisation in the overlying ultramafic intrusive rock. Recognition of the mineralised intervals, the interpretation of increasing metal grades to the east, and understanding the context of the potential mineralisation within the broader regional ultramafic geology provided the drill target which led to the discovery.

A regional interpretation of prospective rock units shows that the mafic-ultramafic sill complex which hosts the Callisto deposit is continuous over 20km of strike length. The potential occurrence of additional mineralisation within the host rock complex is now the focus of exploration activity with drill programs and geophysical IP surveys planned to advance the project toward new discoveries.

Galileo engaged Cube Consulting (Cube) to complete a maiden Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) for the Callisto deposit which underpins Galileo’s wholly owned Norseman Project located 15 km northwest of the town of Norseman in Western Australia.

The data used to produce the MRE was collected by Galileo via drilling throughout 2022 and 2023 following the completion of the discovery hole in May 2022. Cube did the estimation work between August and September 2023.

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