Gateway Mining Limited (ASX: GML) has intersected significant new zones of high-grade gold mineralisation between the cornerstone Whistler and Montague-Boulder Deposits at its 100%-owned, 1,000 sq. km Gidgee Gold Projectin Western Australia.

The company has received initial assay results from the current RC drilling programme targeting the 1.6km mineralised trend between the deposits, on the Northwest Margin of the Montague Granodiorite.
A total of 37 RC holes for 4,448m were drilled along this priority 1 exploration target, with initial assay results suggesting that it has made a significant exploration breakthrough.
Holes were drilled on sections spaced approximately 100m along the ~1.2km northern strike from the Montague-Boulder Mineral Resource.
Initial results from the drilling programme have confirmed the presence of multiple structures with strong high-grade domains.
Managing Director, Peter Langworthy, said the current RC programme has successfully demonstrated that the Northwest Margin of the Montague Granodiorite dome is highly prospective for substantial gold mineralisation, hosted in a variety of structural and lithological settings.
Once full results have been received, planning for follow-up RC and diamond drilling will commence to continue to fully explore this fertile zone, which continues to emerge as a priority exploration focus for the company.
The quality of these intersections in terms of grade and thickness provide a clear demonstration that we are working on a very significant gold system along the margin of the Montague Granodiorite. This is an area with considerable scale potential over a strike length of up to 2km, which already includes the existing Resources at Montague and Whistler – where we still see significant growth potential,” Mr Langworthy said.
“It’s important to reiterate that the thick intercepts in holes 550 and 538 are 150m apart – which shows the size of the structures we are dealing with. There is plenty of scope to drill out significant zones of mineralisation between and around these intercepts.
“We still have a lot of drilling results to be returned from this drilling program, which is on track to wrap up by the end of the month, and we are very much looking forward to receiving the balance of the results on a progressive basis over the coming weeks up until Christmas and into the New Year.
“We consider this to be a major exploration breakthrough for the Gidgee Project. These results tell us that we have the right exploration model in place, and we are now in a position where we can effectively target key positions across the broader Gidgee Project with confidence. We will continue to be systematic with our approach to exploration, to ensure that we unlock the full potential of the Gidgee Project.”