Great Boulder Resources (ASX: GBR) latest assay results include a high-grade bottom-of-hole intersection one km south of any previous drilling at the Mulga Bill deposit, within the Side Well Gold Project near Meekatharra in Western Australia.

The company has now received the first assay results from the 65-hole Phase 5 air-core (AC) programme drilled late last year at Mulga Bill.
Highlights from the drilling include:
- 3m @ 8.56g/t Au from 147m in 21MBAC119, including 1m @ 23.78g/t Au from 149m to EOH This intersection, 1,000m further south than any previous drilling, extends the overall strike of Mulga Bill to 6km.
The hole was drilled to 150m at which point the rig ran out of rods, which means high-grade mineralisation remains open at depth.
Managing Director, Andrew Paterson, said the Mulga Bill system also remains open along strike to the south.
This is an amazing air-core intersection which really demonstrates that Mulga Bill is a major project,” Mr Paterson said.
“With a footprint now 6km long we’re still drilling further south in our current program.” “Mulga Bill is a massive mineralised system. This is 5km from the zone where we first started intersecting ounce-grade gold veins, and the high grades are still there.
“2022 is going to be a huge year for Great Boulder as we continue to accelerate our drilling programs. The AC rig is heading to Jones Well at the northern end of Side Well shortly, and the diamond rig is due to arrive next week.”