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Staff Writer

Global Energy Ventures Ltd (ASX: GEV) has been issued an AIP for the company’s pilot-scale compressed hydrogen ship, based on a cargo capacity of 430 tonnes of hydrogen.

Managing Director and CEO, Martin Carolan, said GEV has received an AIP from ABS for its pilot scale 430-tonne hydrogen ship, which follows AIP received earlier this year for its innovative compressed hydrogen ship with a 2,000-tonne capacity.

“ABS is a leading classification society for gas carriers and GEV is looking forward to working with them to ensure that our compressed hydrogen ships continue to meet the highest safety standards. Marine storage and transport solutions are required for hydrogen to contribute to global decarbonisation ambitions.

“Efficient, safe and cost competitive marine transport solutions for high purity hydrogen are required before 2030 to enable the development of greenfield hydrogen supply chains at scale.

“GEV views the compressed hydrogen ship as a competitive carrier and the ideal scale to advance the commercialisation of several hydrogen greenfield export projects proposed or under development.”

The pilot scale compressed hydrogen ship is a highly functional Handymax sized gas carrier, designed to support the requirements of greenfield hydrogen projects being established for export by the mid-2020s.

Handymax sized ocean-going ships are relatively small and able to enter most ports. The ship is equipped with an electric drive propulsion system, using Wartsila’s highly efficient dual fuel (natural gas and hydrogen) engines powering generators coupled to two electric drive fixed pitch propellers. The ship can also be equipped with dynamic positioning (DP) to allow it to hold its position using bow and aft thruster systems.

This DP system will support safe and efficient offshore loading operations. GEV is also working with Ballard Power Systems to ultimately power the ships with marine fuel cells using 100% hydrogen, providing a zero-carbon shipping solution.

Mr Carolan said GEV views Class Approval for Construction as the company’s key technical barrier to achieve commercialisation for the compressed hydrogen ship and supply chain, with AIP being the pre-curser to ABS Approval for Construction.

“The receipt of AIP and accompanying road map to Approval for Construction has materially de-risked the path forward to a construction ready milestone.”

GEV will now work with ABS to progress the various engineering phases, with further details to be provided over the coming quarters as material milestones are achieved.

Mr Carolan said the Company’s discussion with several hydrogen development projects has reinforced GEV’s view that compression can provide a simple and energy efficient shipping solution between hydrogen suppliers and customers up to a shipping distance of 4,500 nautical miles.

Many of the outcomes of our Scoping Study released in March 2021 have provided a platform for commercial and technical discussions with third parties and we remain encouraged by the quality of organisations now making direct enquires about compression as an alternative to other carriers being assessed for FEED selection.

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