Global Lithium Resources Limited (ASX: GL1) has identified a Rare Earth Element (REE) discovery adjacent to its 100% owned Manna Lithium Project 100km East of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia as part of its Manna Project exploration programme.

The new discovery is to be named Cardunia Rocks REE Project.
This bedrock REE hosting mineralised system was discovered by re-analysing pulps from the 2022 lithium RC and Diamond drilling campaigns after initial assay spectra showed anomalously high peaks relating to cerium concentrations.
Field observations had also highlighted the distinct structurally deformed and altered zone. Assay results have now been received from a large number of pulps resubmitted for multi- element and REE assay. The anomalous REE’s results were discovered just outside the eastern edge of the Manna Lithium Project.
A wide-ranging analytical programme was performed along with a tenement wide structural geology and geophysical interpretation to identify potential source pathways back from the current REE mineralisation point and to generate a new set of exploration targets. The interpreted REE area of interest is an estimated 8.5km trend that passes to the east and south of the Manna Lithium Project.
These programmes were tasked to get a rapid, real time understanding of the true REE potential for the Manna Project area.
REE Sample Analysis
Drill core samples have undergone Petrographic analysis by Microanalysis Australia with the formal identification of the REE hosting minerals Allanite and Bastnaesite within a tentatively ascribed, metasomatic wall rock associated with a possible carbonatite or alkaline-carbonatite igneous province.
The company has performed a set of comprehensive regional exploration programmes in the first half of 2023 to cover the expanded tenement holding following the 100% acquisition of the Manna Lithium Project.
These programmes covered a wide range of exploration techniques including soil geochemical analysis, review of an historic Auger programme, along with large scale geophysical surveys (gravity, airborne electromagnetic, LIDAR).
In addition to helping define targets for lithium and water exploration the data collected from these programs has helped with the interpretation of these significant REE results and provided further targets for investigation.
The REE results, highlighted in the current drilling results, cover a two km strike length to date and are located within a subtle linear gravity low that has been interpreted to be a regional fault structure.
There are multiple regional fault structures that span across the Manna Lithium Project area, and these extend to the north and south of the current identified location. These potential mineralised pathways will be used to target the REE mineralisation across the extended Manna Lithium Project tenements during the upcoming 2023 exploration programme.
While Global Lithium remains focussed on increasing its lithium resource base and working towards the finalisation of a DFS for the Manna Lithium Project, the company is well resourced and has the relevant expertise to take advantage of other value accretive exploration opportunities such as this,” Exploration Manager, Logan Barber, said.
“The experienced geological team is well supported to execute the previously announced 50,000m drilling campaign at the Manna Lithium Project and to concurrently investigate the upside potential of the emerging bedrock Cardunia Rocks REE mineralised system.”