Godolphin Resources Limited (ASX:GRL) has commenced an 11 hole Reverse Circulation (RC) drill programme at its 100%-owned Gundagai North and South projects, located on exploration licences EL8586 and EL8061 respectively, in NSW.

Managing Director, Jeneta Owens, said despite a challenging operating environment brought on by weather restrictions and the effects of COVID-19, Godolphin has deployed a drill rig and commenced exploration activities at its highly prospective Gundagai projects.
“The commencement of drilling follows an extensive review of past data and rock chip assays, which have led to several walk-up gold drill targets being identified.
“There are substantial historical workings across the Gundagai project which we intend to target. We look forward to providing ongoing updates over the coming weeks.”
The Gundagai project is centred around the township of Gundagai and located in the southern area of the Lachlan Fold Belt.
The area has a longstanding history of successful high-grade gold mining and Godolphin’s tenements host several historic gold and base metal workings, situated within a belt of basaltic rocks intruded by quartz-porphyry dykes.
The company’s planned 11-hole RC exploration programme will cover approximately 1,825m. The company will utilise an RC 650 track mounted drill rig onsite which will allow for considerably easier navigation across steeper and wetter terrain following recent weather events.
The commencement of the program follows an extensive review of historical workings and recent assay results from rock chip sampling.
Godolphin will target the historically worked Emu Gold mine, which has previously returned high-grade rock chip samples of up to 386 g/t Au and 320 g/t Au from two separate samples of visible gold.
Godolphin also aims to test the Mantons, Johnston’s Hill and Surprise Hill North prospects within its 100%- owned exploration licences. The Company expects that drilling will progress over the coming weeks.