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Staff Writer

West African gold explorer Golden Rim Resources (ASX: GMR) reports its major 21,000m reverse circulation (RC) drilling and diamond drilling programme has re-commenced at its Kouri Gold Project in Burkina Faso.

Golden Rim has previously completed over 7,800m of RC drilling (62 holes) under the programme, prior to its suspension due to the start of the rainy season.

Approximately9,200m of RC drilling and 4,000m of diamond drilling (for approximately 100 holes) are targeted for the remainder of the programme.

Diamond drilling is currently underway at the Diabatou prospect. Previous drilling at Diabatou delivered bonanza results, including RC drill intercepts of 7m at 121.2g/t gold from 41m, including 1m at 783.8g/t gold from 44m, and 3m at 7.2g/t gold from 56m in hole MRC008; and 4m at 23.2g/t gold from 67m, including 1m at 65.7g/t gold, in hole MRC014.

Golden Rim’s managing director Craig Mackay said that given these exceptional results, the Diabatou prospect was identified as a priority follow-up drill target.

He said the initial diamond drilling is expected to confirm the orientation of the gold mineralisation at Diabatou prior to further drilling to determine the extent of the high-grade gold mineralisation.

In addition to the drilling program at Diabatou, the company intends to undertake further drilling near the 1.4Moz gold Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource at the Kouri Permit, providing potential to further expand the existing Mineral Resource.

In particular, RC and diamond drilling is planned at the high-grade gold zone, the Maré – Guitorga North Induced Polarisation (IP) anomaly.

The IP anomaly extends for at least 4km and lies 500m northwest and parallel to the Mineral Resource RC and diamond drilling are also planned to test a further 500m of strike extent to the gold lodes that comprise the Mineral Resource at the Kouri Permit, into the Gouéli and Margou permits.

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