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Great Western Exploration (ASX: GTE) has commenced an extensive drilling campaign at the company’s Firebird Gold Project in Western Australia.

The company says the the programme marks a crucial phase in defining potentially major gold mineralisation potential at the project.

The Firebird Gold Project is located within the Youanmi Greenstone Belt, comprised of 100% owned GTE tenure and the adjacent Great Western-Dynamic Metals (ASX:DYM) Joint Venture (Great Western earning 80%).

Firebird is 2.5km west of Western Gold Resources’ Gold Duke Project which contains several Mineral Resources reported to JORC 2012 standard, demonstrating the fertility and economic potential of the greenstone sequence.

The extensive drilling campaign is aimed at infilling and extending significant results returned from the maiden RC Programme completed at the project in September.

The RC programme tested a previously defined large, 3.4km x 450m soil anomaly and reconnaissance aircore drilling results at this location. The RC results were recorded clustered at the southern extent of the higher tenor soil anomalism,

The RC results are open up to two and interpreted to have tested the fringes of a potentially large gold mineralisation system. The follow-up AC programme is considered by the company to be a crucial phase in defining potentially major gold mineralisation at the Firebird Project.

This Phase 2 aircore drilling campaign is composed of 82 holes for 8,400m and is designed to infill and extend significant RC results clustered at the southern extent of the higher tenor soil anomalism.

The company anticipates the drilling programme will be completed before the end of December 2023.

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