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Hamelin Gold Limited (ASX:HMG) has obtained high-grade gold assay results from an initial programme of surface sampling of outcropping quartz veins and ironstones at the Camel prospect in the West Tanami Gold Project, Western Australia.

Hamelin completed a high-resolution drone photography survey over the central Camel area to assist with surface mapping,” Managing Director, Peter Bewick, said.

“This survey outlined outcropping quartz vein arrays and ironstone units across the Camel gold corridor not sampled by previous explorers.

“A sampling programme of these outcropping veins and ironstone units has returned numerous high grade gold results up to 23g/t Au and, importantly, has extended the area of known mineralisation to over 400m of strike.

“The gold mineralised corridor remains open to the north west where the mineralisation is interpreted to extend under thin cover. Additional drone flights and a follow up sampling program have now commenced with an ultra-detailed aeromagnetic survey and RC drilling planned for the coming months.

“Our early drilling and surface sampling results have confirmed our belief that this prospect has potential for the discovery of a large scale, high grade gold deposit.”


The Camel gold prospect is defined by a two kilometre long gold and arsenic regolith anomaly located 40 kilometres west of the Coyote Gold Mine.

Previous drilling at the prospect is dominated by shallow RAB and RC holes with only five holes drilled deeper than 120 metres across the prospect.

Hamelin recently completed a single drill traverse across Camel to assist with the interpretation of the structural and geological architecture of the prospect. Initial results returned from RC drilling and geological observations from diamond drilling have confirmed a well mineralised, depth extensive gold system at Camel.

Results from EIS co-funded diamond drilling at Camel expected in September 2022.

Drone photography and surface sampling

Low lying hills dominate the topography at the Camel prospect. A drone was deployed to collect detailed aerial photography over the central part of Camel to assist with geological mapping of the region.

This programme identified numerous sets of outcropping and sub-cropping quartz veins and areas of linear ironstone outcrops that can be traced continuously for 50-100m of strike before they either terminate or are concealed by thin cover.

A programme of rock chip sampling of the mapped veins and ironstone units was conducted. Assay results from this program confirmed high grade gold mineralisation in numerous veins and ironstones of various orientations and styles over an area in excess of 400m of strike.

A number of veins and ironstone units within the mineralised corridor remain unsampled. Further drone photography and surface sampling at Camel has commenced and will look to extend the strike extent of the mineralised veins to the north west.

The information received from this surface sampling program, along with the depth extensive gold mineralisation seen in recent drill hole TSR0002 and the extensive dolerite hosted quartz veining noted in TSD0005 indicates there is a significant gold system emerging at the Camel prospect.

Next Steps

The interpreted antiformal setting of the Camel prospect and refolding of the dolerite and sedimentary units provide a strong conceptual first-order structural framework for the region.

An ultra-detailed airborne magnetic and radiometric survey will be completed in September 2022 to provide the best available baseline magnetic data to conduct a structural interpretation of Camel. Subtle structural offsets or flexures of key mineralised structures are considered priority targets for high grade gold shoots within the large gold system.

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