Helix Resources Limited (ASX: HLX) has intersected high-grade massive copper sulphides during the company’s copper-gold exploration activities at its Canbelego Joint Venture project in near Cobar in NSW.

Helix is undertaking exploration at the CZ deposit and regional work underway along the Collerina Copper Trend.
Final assay results from hole CANDD005 at the Canbelego JV have been received, confirming the presence of further copper mineralisation, including narrow, one metre, high grade intervals (up to 3.5% Cu), surrounding the high-grade massive copper sulphides detected in CANDD002 2 (14 metres at 4.2% Cu).
Managing Director, Mike Rosenstreich, said while continuation of the copper-sulphide (chalcopyrite) shoots intersected in CANDD002 were not intersected within this complexly deformed and folded host sequence, the results provide further information on both the associated rock units and geological controls which determine the position of the higher-grade shoots.
In addition, a down-hole electromagnetic survey (DHEM) conducted on CANDD005 has identified a conductor which aligns with the down-dip position of the CANDD002 intersection, suggesting the massive chalcopyrite shoot may remain open at depth to the south of the intercept in CANDD005.
The mineralisation drilled at Canbelego to date outlines a broad zone of potentially economic oxide and fresh copper mineralisation, punctuated by discrete high-grade shoots as intersected in CANDD002.
Future work will be directed at extending the broad mineralisation envelope and targeting potential high-grade shoots within, ahead of any resource modelling and development studies.
Meanwhile, Helix has continued to progress drilling at the CZ deposit, completing a metallurgical sampling program and commencing drilling for resource extensions.
Helix continues to be a highly active copper-gold exploration company in the Cobar region of NSW, with works only recently being completed at the Canbelego JV and a combination of both RC and diamond drilling well underway at CZ,” Mr Rosenstreich said.
“Final assays from Canbelego confirm further copper mineralisation surrounds the intersected high-grade massive sulphides, providing vital details for future drilling and resource modelling.
“This drilling campaign was the first diamond drilling activity at Canbelego since 2013 and to have already hit high-grade, massive copper is a fantastic success.
“We will now look to review and compile the data to model and better understand the controls on the higher grade, thicker copper zones.
“I am also pleased to see the activity at CZ progressing in rapid time with metallurgical drilling completed and resource expansion drilling underway. We are very much looking forward to providing a more detailed update on that drilling imminently.”