Hexagon Energy Materials Ltd (ASX: HXG) has received significant results through the Ni-Cu-PGE geochemical assessment of 5,062 Ultra-Fine Fraction (UFF) soil samples collected during the 2021 field season at McIntosh, in the Kimberley, Western Australia.

The outstanding results include raw assay values of up to 3.63 g/t 3PGE (Pd+Pt+Au). The assessment, completed by Dr. Dennis Arne, Director of Telemark Geosciences Pty Ltd, has identified 20 ranked target areas which cover both the greater Mabel Hill, Melon Patch North and Melon Patch prospects including three high priority “Drill-ready” targets.
The geochemical assessment included review of the 2021 UFF soil sample data (ICP-MS geochemistry and hyperspectral). The assessment was aimed at identifying areas of interest for further geological assessment for (but not limited to) Ni-Cu-PGE mineralisation.
McIntosh lies within 30 km of recorded Ni-Cu-PGE occurrences and substantial deposits including the +2 Moz Panton PGM Project owned by Future Metals Limited and Panoramic Resources Limited’s Copernicus Ni-Cu Deposit.
It lies regionally within the same geological setting as Panoramic Resources Limited’s Savannah and Savannah North Ni-Cu operations.
The 2021 UFF soils programme covered an area of approximately 50km2 within our overall project area which covers 480 sq. km,” Hexagon’s Managing Director, Merrill Gray, said.
“These results confirm the Ni-Cu-PGE potential at McIntosh. We are excited about the drilling program planned for 2022 which includes the three ‘Drill-ready’ targets this work identified.
“With a further programme of geophysical, geological mapping and geochemical work now being planned, additional ‘Drill-ready’ targets across the 17 other priority targets are likely to be defined.
“These results validate the systematic approach that the Hexagon exploration team has taken at McIntosh over the past two years. These results couldn’t have come at a better time given market interest in Nickel and PGE’s.”
Moving forward
Unlocking Ni-Cu-PGE value at the McIntosh Project is core to Hexagon’s future energy materials strategy, supporting the global shift to cleaner technologies. The 2022 field season drilling program is the key next step for Hexagon.
Past McIntosh drill core that was being held in Hexagon’s warehouse, collected during Hexagon’s Graphite focussed drilling programs, completed between 2015 and 2019, potentially containing Nickel and Copper mineralisation (logged at the end of drill hole THGDD178 below the current Wahoo graphite deposit has now been resampled and is currently being analysed for Ni-Cu-PG, with results expected shortly.
Across the rest of Hexagon’s portfolio of assets, commercial negotiations with parties in relation to the Halls Creek Gold and Base Metals ground holdings are continuing, as are negotiations in relation to the key components of the WAH Future Energy/Clean Hydrogen project.