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Staff Writer

Kingwest Resources (ASX: KWR) has struck high-grade gold in the first holes in a drilling programme at the Menzies gold project in WA’s Goldfields region.

The company reported initial drilling had intersected high-grade gold mineralisation at both the Selkirk and Pericles deposits.

Kingwest CEO Ed Turner said the orientated diamond core drilling underway in this programme is specifically designed to refine the structural control model developed by the company for the high-grade Menzies Gold Project.

He said the results support a narrow-lode, high-grade mineralisation model similar to the successful East-Kundana mine. East Kundana is a well-known, long- running, narrow, high-grade gold mine located 25 km north west of Kalgoorlie.

“The high-grade results are encouraging and will be followed up with step out drilling,” Mr Turner said.

The mineralisation style at Menzies has historically shown excellent depth continuity and includes deposits with extensive north – south strike extent. Drilling has now commenced at the Yunndaga deposit.

Menzies is one of Western Australia’s major historic gold fields, located 130km north of the globally significant gold deposits of Kalgoorlie.

The MGP includes multiple high-grade deposits, all within granted Mining Leases that are owned 100% by KWR. Past production and current resources confirm the significant scale of the Menzies region.

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