Staff Writer

Odin Metals Limited (ASX: ODM) has reported positive assay results from the its maiden drill programme at the Sturgeon Lake Zn Cu Project in Ontario, Canada.

The company said drilling results to date have returned high-grade zinc results in line with previously reported historic results, extending the high-grade core to the Abitibi Zone to the east.

Odin metals sturgeon lake project

Results are now pending from a further three holes completed at Abitibi, with a final more speculative hole currently in progress.

Odin’s Chief Executive Officer Simon Mottram said that following the early success an additional two holes for 1,300m have been added to the Abitibi programme targeting its high-grade core now that this is better understood. Drilling will then return to VTEM targets where the barge is required for drilling on the lake, specifically to high priority VTEM targets on the Sturgeon Lake trend.

He added that additional ground has been staked at Bell Lake West to cover any potential strike to the west of three VTEM targets prior to field reconnaissance.

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