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Staff Writer

ANYONE interested in the real story behind Chinese property investments in Australia can find out first hand what it is all about at a special networking luncheon in Sydney next month.

High Profile Event - Chinese Property

Keynote speakers will include:

  • Dr Jonathan Kearns, Head of Financial Stability Department, Reserve Bank of Australia
  • Peter Laurance A.O. Founder & Chairman, Pivot Group; and
  • Michael Guo, Founder & CEO, Visionary Investment Group

These highly experienced market experts will answer questions such as:

What do property developers, Chinese investors and shadow bankers have in common?

Are they misunderstood high-achievers providing an economic benefit to Australia, but suffering from poor public perception?

To event, which will be staged at Doltone House in Sydney on 20 November, will also feature a major presentation from David KO Chin, Managing Director, of Basis Point.

Mr Chin will be presenting his latest research on the outlook for Chinese investment in Australia, dealing with:

  • China’s capital controls and when it will change
  • President Xi Jinping’s next 5-year term and how he will direct China’s offshore investment appetite
  • The impact and sensitivity of Chinese investment on Australian society, economy and property markets

The event includes a 2-course sit-down gourmet lunch in the award-winning Doltone House.

For more information visit

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