Great Southern Mining Limited (ASX: GSN) has hit “bonanza” grade gold in its extensional Reverse Circulation (RC) drill programme adjacent to the Southern Star Gold Deposit at its 100% owned Duketon Gold Project located 45km north of Laverton, Western Australia.

Following on from a highly successful maiden 3,421m RC drill programme at Southern Star, GSN decided to extend the programme whist the drill rig was still available. A nine hole, 1,142m drill program was completed focusing on areas of Southern Star that required follow up drilling based on the new results.
Three existing holes were also so re-entered and extended for an additional 93m. Results relating to in this announcement consist of four holes drilled in the southern discovery zone for 563m.
Executive Chairman, John Terpu, said gold mineralisation has been discovered 200m south-east along strike from the Southern Star deposit in drillhole 21SSRC0039 with an outstanding intersection of 17m @ 7.0 g/t Au from 111m including 2m @ 56.7g/t Au including 1m @ 109.0 g/t Au.
The new gold mineralisation was intersected at the footwall of the quartz dolerite unit as this is where the primary lode is persistent and of high-grade. The high- grade mineralisation has been extended and can now be traced for over 700m of strike length and is open in all directions.
The new intersection in 21SSRC0039 is regarded as a significant development as the high-grade extension is positioned on a “look alike” magnetic high feature that is also found at Southern Star. The magnetic high is dislocated which is interpreted to represent alteration assemblages or a possible cross cutting structure which is indicative of shear hosted gold deposits
Drilling at the new discovery zone to date only consists of four new drillholes, another significant intercept from the recent campaign of 39m @ 0.4 g/t Au from 116m including 1m @ 3.6 g/t Au in SS21RC0023 was encountered.
Mr Terpu said this wide intercept demonstrates that mineralisation is not constrained to the outstanding intersection of 17m @ 7.0 g/t Au from 111m in drillhole SS21RC0039 and the likelihood of the mineralisation to be part of a larger gold system is apparent.
GSN tenure includes 6.7km of strike extent of this mineralised trend on E38/3501 and 5.6km of strike extent on E38/3818 for a total of 12.3km of strike length. GSN has only explored a small fraction of this mineralised trend to date, drilling to the south of the new discovery zone is virtually non-existent and the quartz dolerite unit has not been targeted. GSN are highly encouraged by the recent developments.