Kalgoorlie Gold Mining (ASX:KAL) is preparing to commence a drilling program at its KalGold’s Pinjin Project in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia in early September.

Like a number of companies, recent uncertainty concerning exploration activities in relation to the Western Australian government’s Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act (ACHA) has curtailed exploration and mining programs throughout the state, incliding KalGold’s programmes.
However, after direct consultation with Aboriginal stakeholders, no Aboriginal heritage sites were identified within the Kirgella Gift and Providence target areas. Accordingly, drilling at KalGold’s Pinjin Project is scheduled to commence on or around 5 September.
Drill hole collar locations have been pegged and drill pad preparation will commence later this week. A total of 12 targeted RC drill holes for around 1,840m are planned:
- to extend thick, shear-hosted gold mineralisation down-dip and down-plunge at Kirgella Gift, and;
- to confirm gold mineralisation in historic discovery holes at Providence, several hundred metres south of Kirgella Gift.
Managing Director Matt Painter said KalGold considers the Kirgella Gift and Providence prospects to be part of the one mineralising system and plans to test for gold mineralisation continuity over around 1,000m of strike with subsequent drill programmes.
KalGold is very excited to commence drill testing of the Kirgella Gift and Providence targets at the Pinjin Project. We expect to commence drilling on or around 5 September. We are following up on the thick, shear-hosted gold intercepts of our initial confirmatory drilling at Kirgella Gift, aiming to extend down-plunge and along strike to the south towards the Providence prospect,” Mr Painter said.
“This programme is the first step in our assessment of the highly prospective Pinjin project. The project area is host to a swag of targets located on a 20km long segment of the highly prolific Laverton Tectonic Zone, between Hawthorn Resources’ Anglo Saxon gold mine and Ramelius Resources’ Rebecca gold project located 20km along strike to our south.”