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Staff Writer

Killi Resources Limited (ASX: KLI) has unveiled extensive copper-gold-molybdenum anomalies at surface through geochemical results from the Mt Rawdon West Project in Central Queensland, where the company is exploring for a new copper-gold mineralised system.

Results have identified a large 4km x 1.5km copper-gold-molybdenum soil anomaly greater than 10 times background in the centre of the tenement at the Baloo prospect. Previously reported rock chips on the margin of the anomaly confirm up to 4.2% copper and 1.16g/t gold at surface.

These are really fantastic exploration results, which have generated some ideal targets. This is clearly a large system where a big opportunity to find a new large-scale deposit remains in Queensland, CEO, Kathryn Cutler, said.

“These results are only the beginning for this prospect, with our observations in the field now confirmed by assays, we remain convinced we are potentially looking at a new copper-gold mineral discovery for the region.”

The company continues to progress this project, with active exploration in the field. The surface geochemical programme commenced in August, and saw the collection of 249 soil samples, and 26 rock chip samples.

The geochemical programme focused on the main corridor identified through magnetic and electro- magnetic data as highly prospective, as it possibly represents the link structure between the copper- gold-silver mineralised Mt Perry Fault and the gold-silver mineralised Mt Rawdon Fault.

The surface programme focussed on the main corridor between the two major faults of the region, Mt Rawdon and Mt Perry Faults, referred to as Baloo previously. This corridor is interpreted as the linking structure between these two major fault systems, and parallel to the Nickos’s Reward gold prospect owned by Sol Gold plc.

A total of 249 soil samples were collected over the corridor, on a 400m x 100m spaced grid. The grid also extended to the north-east, including the area which returned 12.4g/t Au and up to 3.3% Cu in rock chip samples.. An additional four rock chip samples have been reported in the announcement, returning up to 1.7% copper, infilling mineralisation along the Kaa copper gold anomaly.

The results have highlighted two distinct target areas. Firstly, at the Baloo prospect the Cu-Au-Mo anomaly has been extended to 4km x 1.5km, and secondly the Kaa prospect which has a 2km x 0.4km Cu-Au-Mo anomaly.

Soil anomalies were determined from assay values greater than 10 times the background for gold, copper and molybdenum. Peak soil assay values returned 460ppb Au, 1.43g/t Ag, 781ppm Cu, & 13.4ppm Mo.

The two prospects are transected by the Mt Rawdon Fault, which is a controlling mineralisation structure of the Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, 22km along strike to the south-east.

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