Staff Writer

Killi Resources Limited (ASX: KLI) has obtained Elevated yttrium values from geochemical programmes completed at the West Tanami Project, Kimberley region of Western Australia.

A broad soil programme was completed across regional trends potentially prospective for hydrothermal rare earth element systems. The results of the soil programme have established multiple anomalous yttrium values at the Fox prospect, which the company believes is indicative of a rare-earth mineral system at the prospect/

The results indicate the potential for a heavy rare earth system at the Fox prospect. These are fantastic first pass yttrium results for the project, indicating we are in the right region and we plan to develop and drill test this REE target in the coming field season,” CEO, Kathryn Cutler, said.

“In addition to this surface anomaly a new rare earth target has been generated from the airborne magnetic and radiometric survey and the compilation of field mapping conducted in the 2022 field season.”

Yttrium-REE anomaly at Fox

A total of 300 samples were collected across the project during the 2022 field season targeting both gold and rare earth element (REE) systems.

The geochemical programme was designed to target regional structures, which could be possible hydrothermal conduits.

In this area there is sporadic areas of outcrop/subcrop where soils are considered the best method to test for this style of REE mineralisation. The soil results returned greater than 3x background yttrium values at three separate locations, with yttrium (Y) one of the heavy rare earth elements, which is always associated and found in combination with rare earth minerals. The anomalies extend ~1.5km along strike to the basement sediments and are 400-500m in width (across-strike). The anomalies are stratigraphically aligned with regional features determined from surface mapping, airborne interpretation, and down hole logging.

In addition to anomalous yttrium there is associated elevation in neodymium (Nd), dysprosium (Dy), ytterbium (Yb), terbium (Tb), europium (Eu), and gadolinium (Gd) (REE’s). The central anomaly is anomalous for Y-Dy-Nd (3x background values) and the two outer anomalies are anomalous for Y-Dy (3x background).

Ms Cutler said these are significant first pass results, where the company plans to multi-element assay the downhole pulps from the aircore programme, for holes which are adjacent the rare earth anomalies. The composite drill pulps from the aircore drilling have been analysed by pXRF, for a purely qualitative purpose and indicate the presence of hydrothermal alteration.

Yttrium Overview

Yttrium is classified as a rare-earth element and is often found in combination with ‘lanthanide’ elements in rare-earth mineral systems. Elevated yttrium values are indicative of a potential rare-earth bearing mineral system, and in this instance, it will be used as a pathfinder element.

Yttrium is a transitional metal with a which variety of uses, most importantly in the use of LEDs and phosphors, electrodes, lasers, superconductors and was added to the United States list of Critical Minerals in 2022.

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