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Killi Resources’ (ASX: KLI) recent RC and diamond drilling program at its Rocky Prospect at its Queensland-based Ravenswood North project has intersected favourable lithologies for gold mineralisation, with the prospective lithologies spatially associated with the identified geophysical targets.

The geology and geochemistry encountered in the drilling indicate that the intrusive target, generated from processing of the VTEM geophysical results, does represent a strongly altered and structurally complex zone that is prospective for intrusion-related mineralisation,” Chief Executive Officer, Kathryn Cutler, said.

“Assays indicate the geochemistry remains favourable for an IRG System, and the degree of alteration of the rocks indicate we are potentially close to high-grade gold and silver mineralisation.

“These are just the first 11 holes ever drilled into a new target, adding further evidence to the existing gold intercepts including 10m @ 0.66g/t Au from 174m & 6m @ 0.83g/t Au from 105m. The geological picture is becoming clearer with every hole we drill. The next drill program is currently being designed with the plan to return to Rocky in the short term.”

Drilling identifies intrusive breccias at Rocky.

Killi’s drilling initially focused on the surface geochemical anomaly with multiple zones of >200ppb Au identified in soils, and rock chip samples up to 17g/t Au and 224g/t Ag. Initial results downhole returned significant gold mineralisation associated with quartz veins within a granodiorite covering an area of ~1,000m x 1,500m.

This second programme completed a further 6 RC drillholes with two diamond tails for a total of 1,537m, designed to test geophysical targets identified from the VTEM survey completed in September 2022, interpreted as siliceous intrusive units which are potential hosts for gold mineralisation.

Drilling of the geophysical target intersected multiple zones of highly altered, siliceous intrusive rocks downhole, confirming a zone of structural complexity.

Future Work

Killi is currently planning a follow-up drill program to focus around the breccia zones identified from this program and around the shallow gold mineralisation intersected in the first 5 RC holes.

The company plans to return to the field and complete an additional drill campaign at Rocky in the coming months. The programme will focus on the ~1km zone between holes RVCD0005 to the old workings, where the current spacing of existing drillholes is ~300m apart.

The Rocky prospect remains a one sq. km system, with further drilling needed to fully test the prospect down to a more suitable scale of ~200 x 100m.

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