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Kin Mining NL (ASX: KIN) has hit further outstanding wide, high-grade assay results from the ongoing Reverse Circulation and diamond Resource definition drilling program at the Cardinia Hill deposit at its 100%-owned Cardinia Gold Project (CGP), near Leonora in Western Australia.

The Cardinia Hill prospect, located 2km from the proposed processing plant site, was discovered in early 2020 and was targeted with an initial shallow RC and DD drilling programme, resulting in the estimation of an Inferred Mineral Resource totalling 1.2Mt at 1.66g/t for 61,000 ounces of gold in December 2020.

Kin Mining Managing Director, Andrew Munckton, said Cardinia Hill is continuing to grow in stature with each batch of results, with the drilling further extending the mineralisation both close to surface and at depth.

“We are particularly pleased to see some outstanding high grades coming through in these latest results from areas outside the initial Mineral Resource estimate boundary, which is consistent with our strategy of targeting high-grade additions at depth and along strike to increase the value of the deposit and extend the MRE into other open pit and potential underground mining positions.

“These results will all feed into what we hope to be a significant Mineral Resource upgrade at Cardinia Hill which will cement its position as one of our cornerstone deposits at the Cardinia Gold Project.”

“In addition to the Cardinia Hill Resource Definition drilling a large portion of the Eastern Corridor RC drilling has been completed which is testing a series of targets along the fault on which the Cardinia Hill deposit sits. The geological team is eagerly awaiting the assay results from this programme.”

The Resource extension and definition programme, which commenced in February 2021, comprises approximately 9,100m of RC and DD drilling in 58 holes and is designed to extend the Mineral Resource to approximately 200m below surface, extend the deposit along strike to the north and in-fill the near surface portion of the Mineral Resource to a nominal 25m by 25m spacing as the foundation for an upgrade of the Mineral Resource Estimate and classification.

The drilling programme is approximately 60% complete, with 34 holes reported to date with 15 holes yet to be drilled and a further 13 holes completed with assays awaited, including 6 deep diamond core holes.

Following completion of the Resource Definition programme a metallurgical test-work drilling programme will be completed to obtain suitable samples and confirm the metallurgical and treatment performance of the Cardinia Hill deposit.

The two high-grade lodes (Southern and Northern) appear to plunge shallowly to the north. Completed holes show the structure to be well developed at depth along this northern plunge. Planned holes will further evaluate these potential extensions.

Extensional drilling along strike to the north has intersected the mineralised structure – assays are awaited. This drilling has extended the known structure at Cardinia Hill to more than 900m. Broad zones of strong mineralisation continue to be returned from the southern structure. Widths of mineralisation are consistently greater than 5m true width.

Results from drilling into the northern structure indicate continuation of strong mineralisation with early indications of higher grades below and to the north of the existing mineral resource envelope.

The felsic porphyries in conjunction with the mafic intrusive (dolerites and lamprophyres) intersected in diamond drilling appear to be the key to the higher grades areas seen at Cardinia Hill. The gravity survey completed in late 2020 is assisting in mapping both of the rock types and structure throughout the Eastern Corridor.

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