Staff Writer

King River Resources Ltd (ASX:KRR) has commenced a 2500m RC drill programme, testing for high-grade gold mineralisation at its Mount Remarkable Project, in Western Australia.

The company recorded multiple high-grade gold results at the site last year including best result of 4m @ 113.29g/t Au including 1m @ 346g/t Au.

The drilling will test new exploration targets as well as follow-up on the encouraging gold results returned from targets drilled in 2018 and 19.

Drilling will continue to test the main Trudi vein where multiple high-grade gold results have been returned including best results of: 4m @ 113.29g/t Au, including 1m @ 346g/t Au; 6m @ 60g/t Au including 2.8m @ 108g/t Au; 4m @ 39.78g/t Au, including 1m @ 82.7g/t Au; 4m @ 36.77g/t Au from 7m, including 1m @ 70.9g/t Au; and 3m @ 34.8g/t Au, including 1m @ 50.5g/t Au.

There are five main targets being tested on the Trudi vein. These are: Trudi Main (strike and dip extensions to the high grade zones delineated in previous grid drilling), Trudi Offset (the newly identified mineralisation intersected in 2019 approximately 150m east of the main deposit), Trudi West (testing of the western extents of the vein 150m from the main deposit), and Trudi East (where previous KRR drilling returned mineralisation in three shallow RC holes 500m east of the main deposit).

Drilling will also target a number other prospective epithermal veins including:

  • The Jeniffer North prospect (where initial drilling in 2019 returned mineralisation in three adjacent holes with grades up to 0.64g/t Au),
  • The Catherine Vein in a similar litho-structural setting to the Trudi vein where it intersects the Grahame Vein under interpreted cover units. This is 400m north of the main Trudi deposit.
  • Gemma Offset Vein where historical sampling returned gold grades up to 0.72g/t in rock chip grab sampling along 300m of strike but the vein was never drilled.
  • A quartz adularia vein where previous rock chip grab sampling returned grades up to 30.8g/t in rock chip samples.

“Previous drilling at the Mt Remarkable Trudi Vein has yielded some excellent high-grade epithermal gold values,” the company told shareholders.

“The primary objective of this current 2020 programme is to investigate the possibility of an offset of this high-grade gold mineralisation, by targeting an area with four holes approximately 120 to 150 metres East of that original discovery.

“The rig will also test nine other nearby locations in the project area. Geologists have also been on site for a number of weeks doing first pass reconnaissance over other nearby locations.”

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