Kingfisher Mining’s (ASX:KFM) latest assays from its recent carbonatite mapping within the Mick Well area have confirmed the new MW10, MW11, MW12 and MW13 discoveries with more than 13.5km of mineralisation strike identified so far in of the highly prospective Gascoyne Province in WA.

We are delighted with the latest discoveries at MW10, MW11, MW12 and MW13 confirming the significant upside potential of the large-scale 7km by 4km carbonatite complex at Mick Well,” Executive Director and CEO, James Farrell, said.
“We continue to see exceptionally high grade results from ferrocarbonatites which are associated with our large carbonatite plug targets. Our work in the area is continuing to expand this very large high grade REE opportunity and we anticipate we will be announcing further high grade discoveries before year’s end.”
Mick Well REE Discoveries
Assay results from ferrocarbonatite and vein samples collected along the structures radiating from the recently identified carbonatite pipe targets have confirmed new high grade REE mineralisation discoveries at MW10, MW11, MW12 and MW13. Additional strike extents have also been confirmed at MW9, with the additional discoveries adding more than 4.1km of strike to the known mineralisation which now exceeds a combined strike length of 13.5km.
The latest discoveries also include north-striking mineralisation at MW11; a new orientation for mineralisation at Mick Well which highlights the significant additional potential of the large-scale carbonatite complex.
Carbonatite Sample Review
A review of previously reported carbonatite samples has revealed an association with the large geophysics targets which are interpreted to be carbonatite pipes. High grade carbonatite samples MWGS0769 and MWGS0770 were collected from directly above the central target, and may be telegraphing part of the yet to be drilled large target.