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Staff Writer

Latin Resources Limited (ASX: LRS) has received high quality results from the initial batch of samples from air-core drilling at the company’s 100% owned Noombenberry Project near Merredin in Western Australia have been returned from the laboratory.

Results from the first 100 samples submitted for test work have confirmed the project contains very- high grade halloysite, with individual composite sample grades of up to 37%halloysite contained within the bright white (>75 ISO-B) to ultra-bright white (>84 IOS-B) kaolinite at Noombenberry.

Halloysite kaolin is a high value industrial mineral that is growing in demand whilst global supplies are reducing, with strong demand coming from China.

Intersections of kaolinized granite in the 14 holes for which results have been received to date average 13 meters, up to a maximum of 32 meters thickness, while the average depth to the top of the kaolinite zone in these holes is just 8m below surface.

Executive Director, Chris Gale, said that while this first batch of results represents >15% of the total number of holes drilled these initial results are extremely encouraging which enables the company to move forward to undertake its maiden JORC resource on the Project.

Mr Gale said the nature of kaolinite and halloysite mineralisation, being very similar minerals means that very detailed and time-consuming test work is required to gain accurate and reliable results. Latin has been working closely with the various groups undertaking the test work of the Noombenberry samples, including Bureau Veritas Laboratories, CSIRO, and the University of South Australia to streamline this process and enable a steady throughput of samples. The result of this collaboration is that Latin now expects to receive regular results consistently from all groups on a weekly basis.

The company plans to re-commence drilling once all statutory approvals have been received to extend the current drill coverage into its adjacent 100% owned tenement (E77/2624), where these initial results show the bright-white kaolin and high grade halloysite mineralisation is open to the north.

Logging of the aircore samples from all the holes across the very large 18 sq. kmarea tested at Noombenberry has shown the development of a thick consistent blanket of kaolinized granite.

Mr Gale said that with these initial results confirming the bright white nature of the kaolinite material, and halloysite development in a high proportion of the holes where results have been received; the company is very confident about the potential of this emerging and exciting discovery

Latin has formally engaged a suitable independent consulting group to undertake a maiden JORC resource estimate for the Noombenberry Project mineralisation. Latin’s geological team is working closely with the consultant group, with geological domaining and the construction of wireframe model underway. This precursor work will enable the fast tracking of the estimation process once all test work results have been received.

We are extremely pleased with these initial results from test work from the Noombenberry project, which confirm the presence of very high grade halloysite contained within the bright-white kaolinitic clays,” Mr Gale said.

“While these results are from just a small portion of the drilling completed at Noombenberry, our logging suggests that we have intersected similar kaolinized granite across the 18 sq. kmtested by the full programme, and we are yet to have results back from the area where we have logged our thickest kaolin intersections which were up to 50m.

“Having engaged our independent resource consultants, Latin’s team is now working on building the geological models for the company’s maiden resource estimate.

This is an extremely exciting time for the company, as we believe that the Noombenberry Project has the potential to unlock significant value for Latin shareholders due to the sheer scale and quality of the material discovered by our team.”

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