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Staff Writer

Legend Mining Limited (ASX:LEG) has intersected a total of 24.65m of Ni-Cu sulphides across two intervals in diamond drillhole RKDD021 at the Mawson prospect, in the Fraser Range of Western Australia.

Managing Director, Mark Wilson, said the drillhole was designed to test a strong (12,000 – 14,000S) off hole conductor which was identified from a downhole electromagnetic survey (DHTEM) in drillhole RKRC013 in late July 2020.

The observations from this step out hole are an exciting development in the Mawson story,” Mr Wilson

“Geologically we have now intersected significant mineralisation several hundred metres to the east north-east of our previous discovery and our geophysical advice is that we probably have not hit the best part of this conductor.

“Our proven systematic methodology of DHTEM and structural logging of this hole on completion will provide the data for the design of the next diamond holes in this immediate vicinity.

“ Meanwhile the diamond, RC and aircore programmes are ongoing at Mawson and regionally within the Rockford Project.”

The hole intersected two intervals of Ni-Cu sulphide mineralisation across two intrusive packages separated by a metasedimentary unit. The upper mineralised interval totalled 9.3m of heavy disseminated to net-textured Ni-Cu sulphides in an olivine websterite/olivine gabbronorite host from 132.2m – 141.5m downhole.

The lower mineralised interval totalled 15.35m of semi-massive, net- textured, and heavy disseminated Ni-Cu sulphides in an olivine gabbronorite host from 219.1m – 234.45m downhole, before intersecting a metasedimentary unit, interpreted as a basal contact. Importantly, both Ni-Cu sulphide intervals occur within fertile mafic-ultramafic intrusive packages, not metasediments, suggesting the intrusive source of the previously intersected mineralisation at Mawson has potentially been identified.

DHTEM is to be completed in RKDD021, and in the adjacent RKRC021, which was drilled specifically to provide an additional DHTEM platform in this location.

Mr Wilson said this will facilitate additional vectoring of Ni-Cu mineralisation intersected in RKDD021.
Drill core from RKDD021 will be structurally logged before being sampled and submitted for analysis.

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