Staff Writer

Lindian Resources Limited (ASX Code: LIN) has identified two new significant areas of conglomerate bauxite with its ongoing exploration activities at the Gaoual Bauxite Project in Guinea.

The first is an approximately 1km northern extension to the Bouba Plateau at a lower elevation, while additional success was achieved at an area now defined as Bouba South on the other southern side of the Tomine River to the south of the Bouba Plateau.

Managing Director, Shannon Green, said these significant areas have been identified through, the company’s Geologists on site undertaking, quality exploration geological works, coupled with the learnings to date from the drilling program and the field works as part of the due diligence program in 2019.

Mr Green said these new areas could add significant scale to both the Bouba Plateau and to the total Conglomerate Bauxite.

Planning for drill pad clearing and drilling has already begun with the drilling anticipated to commence in mid-March.

Our Geologists continue to identify significant areas of conglomerate bauxite and therefore increasing the scale of the very high-grade bauxite is just further testament to the world class nature of our project,” Mr Green said.

“The prospect of being able to commence drilling so quickly is extremely exciting for us.”

Bouba Plateau – Northern Extension

The company’s Geologists have mapped an area at least 1km to the north that is a direct extension of the Bouba Plateau. The outcropping mineralisation is conglomerate similar to the defined and drilled Bouba Plateau and it directly connects to the Bouba Plateau.

This newly identified Conglomerate Bauxite is at a lower elevation however it shows all the geological attributes of having similar grades and depths to the Bouba Plateau.

Bouba South

During the early reconnaissance of the due diligence program a single grab sample was obtained from the now identified Bouba South area. The grab sample was laboratory tested to be very high-grade bauxite with low contaminants the laboratory results were, 62.6% Al2O3, 2.26% SiO2

The outcropping conglomerate bauxite appears to be very high grade with very little iron oxides observed by the Geologists. The conglomeratic pebbles and the cementing materials all seem to be greyish or whitish in colour and it is strongly believed that this is a continuation of Bouba plateau that was crosscut by Tomine River. The area is estimated be approximately 0.5km by 2.5km.

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