Lunnon Metals Limited (ASX: LM8) has welcomed the completion of the Preliminary Feasibility Study (PFS) and the initial Probable Ore Reserve for the Baker deposit, of 612,000 tonnes at 2.86% Ni for 17,500 contained nickel tonnes.

The PFS confirms that the Baker Project is a commercially robust high-grade nickel sulphide orebody (2.86% Ni), with a modest pre-production capital cost ($18.6 million), located in a Tier 1 jurisdiction in the heart of Kambalda, Western Australia.
The PFS also confirms that Baker will produce a premium nickel concentrate, the results of which now enable detailed offtake discussions for the Project. The PFS leaves significant future upside potential, with a depth of mining of less than 200m below surface and the deposit remaining open down plunge.
Lunnon Metals will now continue further studies (including reviewing scale and synergy benefits with Foster’s Mineral Resources), as the company looks to build on its initial Ore Reserve for the Kambalda Nickel Project, which comes less than two years since listing and 18 months after Baker’s discovery.
- Strong financial returns with low start-up capital requirements.
- Initial Probable Ore Reserve of 612kt averaging 2.86% Ni for 17.5kt contained nickel1.
- Indicated Mineral Resource converted 73% to Ore Reserve.
- Pre-tax and post-tax free cash flow generation of $196 million and $145 million.
- Pre-tax NPV8% of $164 million and 324% internal rate of return (IRR).
- Pre-production capex of $18.6 million, maximum cash drawdown of $26.4 million including working capital.
- A premium sulphide concentrate, averaging ~14.6% Ni, Fe:MgO ratio of ~18.8 and low arsenic of ~440ppm.
- Detailed offtake discussions can now commence for Baker’s high grade nickel sulphide ore.
- Significant upside potential from the initial base case outlined in the PFS:
- No Inferred Mineral Resources included in PFS
- Likely future extensions to Baker with the deposit remaining open down plunge o Potential contribution from East Trough deposit (approx. 450m from Baker)
- Scale and synergies with Foster’s Mineral Resources.
Kambalda has been one of Australia’s most prolific nickel production centres for over 55 years. Despite this long history, the district is still a globally relevant nickel belt and remains an important strategic source of high-grade, premium quality nickel sulphides,” Managing Director, Ed Ainscough, said.
“Baker continues this proud Kambalda tradition and the Company is likewise proud to report the results for that deposit’s PFS and initial Ore Reserve. These impressive results come within two years of listing on the ASX and at a time when Kambalda is once again in the headlines, this time as a sought after key production centre driven by its many positive attributes including its high-grade, superior concentrate quality and consequent low energy and capital intensity to exploit.
“I would like to thank the Lunnon Metals’ team who have worked to deliver these outcomes over the past two years. They more than anyone know that this is just the start, these are very much initial results, with plenty more to come from our growing Mineral Resource base already defined at Baker and Foster but also from the many exciting exploration programs across the rest of our portfolio.
“To have access to such high-quality tenure in the heart of Kambalda is truly amazing and sets the company and its shareholders up for a bright future.”