M3 Mining Limited (ASX:M3M) has kicked off a maiden air-core drilling programme at its Edjudina Gold Project, 140km northeast of Kalgoorlie, WA.

The commencement of a drilling programme is an exciting time for any exploration company and this air-core program at Edjudina is no exception,” Executive Director, Simon Eley, said.
“We are very keen to test not only the new gold trend identified following the recent soil sampling exercise but also extensions to known neighbouring mineralisation in a prolific gold producing region.”
M3 Mining is looking to test nine high priority targets with approximately 5,000m to 10,000m of air-core drilling at the Edjudina Gold Project.
Three prospects within the programme are designed to target a significant anomaly along strike of the resource located on tenure held by joint venture between Legacy Iron and Cazaly.
This anomaly is considered largely untested by shallow, wide spaced RAB drilling, despite being immediately adjacent to mineralisation. The air-core drilling will additionally test M3M’s interpretation that known principle mineralised structures continue on the company’s tenements, highlighted by the results of the Sub-Audio Magnetic (SAM) Survey completed in December 2021.
Two additional targets to the east, generated from pathfinder elements following the soil sampling exercise will also be drill tested in this maiden drilling programme.
Subject to results from this initial program, M3 Mining anticipates planning an RC drilling programme to test the priority targets generated by the air-core drilling program. M3 Mining will update the market when it receives results from this air-core drilling programme at Edjudina.