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Staff Writer

M3 Mining Limited (ASX:M3M) has received promising results from the first ground-based geophysical program completed at the Edjudina Gold project in Western Australia.

 A Sub-Audio Magnetic (SAM) survey was completed by Gap Geophysics Australia Pty Ltd and designed to trace out the continuation of mineralised sequences along strike within the Yilgangi Shear Zone, a major known mineralisation and structural zone that hosts several major gold mines such as Carosue Dam held by Northern Star Limited (ASX:NST).

The Edjudina Project is an impressive opportunity for M3 Mining as it offers such a broad potential for regional scale gold discoveries in the Eastern Goldfields,” Executive Director, Simon Eley, said.

“The recently completed SAM survey was successful in highlighting the principal mineralised structures that combined with several highly anomalous targets, will form the foundation of our aggressive drilling programme that is scheduled for Q1 CY2022.

“Having just completed our maiden drill programme at Victoria Bore, we are thrilled that the preliminary results from Edjudina can provide investors with another layer of excitement and demonstrate the potential for significant discoveries.”

Work completed

Two areas were surveyed in the 55-line kilometre survey. The first survey area (ED01) is located at the southern end of E31/1140 and covered a three kilometres strike length of the mineralised trend for a total area of 3.7

The second area (ED02) covered sections of the mineralised trends in P31/2113 and E31/1141 immediately north of the Rainbow gold deposit held by another party, this area covered a total area of 1.3

The lines surveyed were oriented east-west and spaced 100m apart. Magnetic and Total Field EM data were collected. The results have now been assessed by Southern Geoscience Pty Ltd, M3M’s geophysical consultants. It is considered that the survey was very successful in tracing out the principal potentially mineralised structures including those which host the Rainbow Prospect on the neighbouring tenement.

M3M said these survey’s support its interpretation that known mineralised structures continue on our tenement’s and highlights the exploration upside of the project. In addition, several cross-cutting faults, alteration or intrusive features and potentially significant deformation features were identified which were never defined with surface mapping or geochemical analysis, these areas warrant further investigation.

M3M is currently planning a detailed geochemical survey designed to delineate aircore and RC drilling targets along this prospective mineralised trend. With the recent granting of E31/1258 a program of aircore drilling also is being planned at the Jump Up prospect to follow-up several highly anomalous results from previous drilling including 2m at 5.69g/t Au and 8m at 1.29g/t Au.

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