Newly listed Mamba Exploration Limited (ASX:M24) has secured an Electro Magnetic (EM) survey crew to undertake the airborne geophysical survey over the Darling Range Project in Western Australia in mid-March.

The Darling Range Project is located between Chalice Mining’s Julimar Discovery, east of Perth, and the recent strong EM conductor detected by Pursuit Minerals. The project also adjoins the Mandrake Resources Jimperding Project where a recent EM survey identified a number of strong EM conductors – some of which appear to trend into M24’s tenure.
The VTEM survey has been designed to cover all the prospective trends identified from the regional magnetic datasets and will be flown using 200m spaced lines and a loop height of 35m providing good resolution and depth penetration for the survey.
Managing Director, Mike Dunbar, said that although the survey has been delayed by a week as a consequence of Pursuit Mineral’s decision to extend their survey following the discovery of a number of strong conductors on their Calingiri East tenement, located 10km east of M24’s Black Hills tenement, the company is pleased to secure one of the few helicopter-based EM crews to fly the survey so soon after listing.
An initial field visit to the project has been undertaken to assist in planning the EM survey and to identify priority target areas. This field trip confirmed the access, assisted in the planning of the geophysical surveys, and has identified a number of target areas that will be covered by the VTEMtm survey.
In addition to the exploration activities at Darling Range, the company has also applied for an additional exploration licence at the Calyerup Creek project in the Great Southern region of Western Australia. The additional tenure extends the project approximately 9km to the south and covers the margin of a granite and a north south trending mafic and sedimentary package of metamorphic rocks.
Drill planning for the project is well advanced and a programme of approximately 2,500m of Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling has been planned. This drilling will be undertaken as soon as the approvals are in place and an appropriate drill rig can be secured.
Since we listed a few short weeks ago, we have hit the ground running on multiple fronts,” Mr Dunbar said.
“At Darling Range, we are pleased to have been able to secure an EM crew to undertake the VTEM survey in such a short timeframe.
“With the increased exploration activity in the area and recent exploration success of our neighbours, our ability to secure field crews to undertake the geophysical surveys is a great result. In addition to this, we have also made significant progress at the Calyerup Creek project with a new tenement application expanding the project while also progressing the RC drill planning.”