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Colin Hay

Marmota (ASX:MEU) has commenced RC drilling at its flagship gold discovery at Aurora Tank in South Australia.

Marmota’s Aurora Tank gold discovery features outstanding gold intersections, now with five different zones featuring bonanza gold grades close to surface. The project is now at an advanced stage.

The Aurora Tank metallurgical testwork programme is progressing extremely well and is now more than 75% complete: its role is to optimise gold recoveries from a low-cost open-pittable heap leach production pathway.

The gold price has more than doubled since Marmota first started work at Aurora Tank just a few years ago, on a project that was always conceived as a low-cost, low capex model.

Marmota is seeking to finalise the design of an open-pit at Aurora Tank.The main purpose of the program is to try and close off a number of sections that remain open: to the south, west, east, north and also at depth, focusing on significant open-pittable mineralisation

Some holes are targeting locations where previous drilling was far too shallow. Some in-fill drilling is also planned to assist resource estimation.

“Aurora Tank is advancing beautifully: we have outstanding bonanza intersections, close to surface, open-pittable, with a low-cost low capex heap leach pathway, and the critical metallurgy recovery programme already more than 75% complete, and now a RC programme underway to hopefully bring it all together and close off loose ends,” Chairman, Dr Colin Rose, said.


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